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Data Details

Elevation Cluster Dataset Covering Yalu River Basin

LIU Chuang1SHI Ruixiang1HAO Mengmeng1,2
1 Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100101,China2 University of Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100049,China


Published:Nov. 2017

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Key Words:

Yalu River Basin,DEM,elevation cluster,Mt. Changbai


The Yalu River rises in southern slope of Tianchi Lake of Mt. Changbai at 2745m and meets the Yellow Sea at the West Korea Bay at 0 m. The total area of the Yalu River basin is 65215.49 km². Based on the DEM data, 8 elevation Clusters were identified and calculated. The statistic results of elevation clusters are: area, which elevation is less than 50m, is 1926.22 km²,2.95% of the total area;the area, which elevation is between 50-100m, is1327.35 km², 2.04% of the total area;the area, which elevation is between 100-200m, is 3141.77 km², 4.82% of the total area;the area, which elevation is between 200-500m, is 15987.50 km², 24.51% of the total area;the area, which elevation is between 500-1000m, is 23492.12 km², 36.02% of the total area;the area, which elevation is between 1000-1500m, is 13868.31 km², 21.27% of the total area;the area, which elevation is between 1500-2000m, is 5102.53 km², 7.82% of the total area;the area, which elevation is higher than 2000m, is 369.69 km², 0.57% of the total area. That means more than 80% of the land in Yalu River Basin is located at 200-1500m; while, only 5% of the land is lower than 100m. The dataset is archived in.adf data format with the data size of 3.72 MB (2 MB in compress).

Foundation Item:

Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences (11852701YZ)

Data Citation:

LIU Chuang, SHI Ruixiang, HAO Mengmeng. Elevation Cluster Dataset Covering Yalu River Basin[J/DB/OL]. Digital Journal of Global Change Data Repository, 2017.

Data Product:

ID Data Name Data Size Operation
1 YaluBasinEVC.rar 2058.96KB