Coastline Types and Their Spatiotemporal Variations in Tokyo Bay (1980-2020)
SU Qianxin1LI Zhiqiang*1
1 Department of Ocean Technology,School of Electronic and Information Engineering,Guangdong Ocean University,Zhanjiang 524088,China
Published:Apr. 2021
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Key Words:
Tokyo Bay,Japan,coastline change,coastline type,utilization index
The coastline in the Tokyo Bay is located between 139.0-140.1°E and 34.0-35.6°N, which is an excellent bay along the Pacific Ocean in the central and eastern part of Honshu Island, Japan. The coastline types and their spatiotemporal variations in Tokyo Bay (1980-2020) was developed based on Landsat remote sensing images of seven periods from 1979 to 2020, and Google Earth high resolution images. The coastline is defined by the mean high-water line, which is divided into two categories: natural coastline and artificial coastline. The natural coastline is divided into bedrock coastline and gravel coastline. Artificial coastline is divided into port wharf coastline and other artificial coastline. Furthermore, the intensity of coastline length change, type structure change, and utilization degree index were calculated. The dataset includes the following data from Tokyo Bay from 1980 to 2020: (1) Spatial distribution data of coastline and their types in seven periods (.shp, .kmz);(2) coastline type structure data (.xlsx);(3) coastline length change intensity (.xlsx); (4) coastline utilization index (.xlsx). The dataset is archived in .shp, .kmz and.xlsx data formats, and consists of 64 data files with data size of 4.62 MB (compressed to 2.34 MB in one data file).
Foundation Item:
National Natural Science Foundation of China(41676079); Guangdong Ocean University(Q18307)
Data Citation:
SU Qianxin, LI Zhiqiang*. Coastline Types and Their Spatiotemporal Variations in Tokyo Bay (1980-2020)[J/DB/OL]. Digital Journal of Global Change Data Repository, 2021.
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