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Data Details

Reunion Island

SHI Ruixiang1LIU Chuang*1
1 Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100101,China


Published:Dec. 2019

Visitors:7378       Data Files Downloaded:24      
Data Downloaded:7.42 MB      Citations:

Key Words:

Reunion Island,Indian Ocean,data encyclopedia


Reunion Island is a volcano island in the western of Indian Ocean. It is 678 km separated from Madagascar Island in its west, and 172 km separated from Mauritius Island in its northeast. It is one island in Mascarene Islands. Reunion Island is located in an overseas province of France. The geo-location is 21°23′22″S - 20°52′19″S, 55°12′59″E - 55°50′12″E. The Reunion Island is approximately elliptical in shape, 71 km long from northwest to Southeast and 50 km wide from southwest to northeast. The area of the Reunion Island is 2504.18 km² and the coastline is 270.21 km long. The dataset of the Reunion Island was developed based on the Google Earth satellite images and related maps. The dataset is archived in .kmz and .shp data formats, consists of 17 data files with data size of 908 KB (compressed to two data files with 633 KB).

Foundation Item:

Chinese Academy of Sciences (XDA19090110)

Data Citation:

SHI Ruixiang, LIU Chuang*. Reunion Island[J/DB/OL]. Digital Journal of Global Change Data Repository, 2019.

Data Product:

ID Data Name Data Size Operation
1 ReunionIsland.kmz 275.15KB
2 ReunionIslandshp.rar 358.05KB