Dataset of China's Regional Economic Pattern Evolution
XIA Tian1XIA Ying1LIU Xiaoyu2SUN Jiuwen3
1 Southwestern University of Finance and Economics,Institute of Western China Economic Research,Chengdu 610074,China2 Southwestern University of Finance and Economics,School of International Business,Chengdu 610074,China3 Renmin University of China,School of Applied Economics,Beijing 100872,China
Published:Jul. 2023
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Key Words:
regional economic structure, import and export trade, the coordination degree of regional economic, Five-Year Plan
Based on the statistical data from the China Statistical Yearbook (2021), the authors referred to the data of China's registered residence population and financial institutions in 1947, and import and export values of China's foreign trade from 1871 to 1947 (the 1948 version of the Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of China), and constructed a degree of coordinated regional economic development for China from the "First Five Year Plan" (1953-1957) to the "13th Five Year Plan" (2016-2020), to form the dataset of China's regional economic pattern evolution (1953-2020). The dataset includes: (1) proportion of import and export values of China's foreign trade by region from 1871 to 1947; (2) number and proportion of registered population in China by region in 1947; (3) number and proportion of banks in China by region in 1947; (4) the degree of coordinated regional economic development in the Five-Year Plan period from 1953 to 2020. The paper based on the dataset will be published in Acta Geographica Sinica, Vol. 78, No. 8, 2023.
Foundation Item:
National Natural Science Foundation of China (72274158, 42071155);
Data Citation:
XIA Tian, XIA Ying, LIU Xiaoyu, SUN Jiuwen. Dataset of China's Regional Economic Pattern Evolution[J/DB/OL]. Digital Journal of Global Change Data Repository, 2023.
     [1] Bureau of Statistics. Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of China [M]. Nanjing: China Culture Enterprise Company, 1948.
     [2] National Bureau of Statistics of the People's Republic of China. China Statistical Yearbook: 2021 [M]. Beijing: China Statistics Press, 2021.
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