Boundary Data of the Australasia Eco-region
LIU Chuang1SHI Ruixiang1
1 Institute of Geographical Sciences and Natural Resources Research,Chinese Academy of Sciences
Published:Dec. 2015
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Key Words:
The Australasia Eco-region is delineated to be an unique eco-region based on the principles of biodiversity occurrence and comprehensive eco-geographic features. The Australasia Eco-region consists of Australia, New Zealand, eastern Indonesia, East Timor, Papua New Guinea and their surround areas. The Selat Lombok and Selat Makassar separates the Australasia Eco-region and the Asia Tropical Humid & Semi-Humid Eco-region. The region’s most eastern part includes Bismarck Archipelago, Solomon Islands, New Hebrides Islands, and the eastern coastline of New Zealand. The Tasmania Island of Australia is the most southern island of the region. The boundary data of the Australasia Eco-region is developed and based on Google earth images. Geographically, the Australasia Eco-region ranges between 54°46'38〞S to 4°48'27〞N,and 112°34'11〞E to 175°49'32〞W. The total land area of this region is 9,223,438.42 km² and the coastal lines total 200,950.20 km, among them 46,006.72 km around Australia. There are 17,035 Islands besides Australia continent, the minimum area of the islads is 75km². The largest island is the New Guinea Island, which area is 768,603.81 km². In terms of bio-climate, this eco-region covers tropical, subtropical, and temperate zones, and includes humid, semi humid, semi arid, and arid ecosystem. The combination of rich bio-climates and landforms sustains a rich biodiversity and forms a unique Australasia biodiversity and ecosystems. The dataset is archived in kmz and shp formats, in which 5 data files are in kmz format; both polylines and polygons data are included in the shp data format. The dataset is compressed to 431 MB.
Foundation Item:
Data Citation:
LIU Chuang, SHI Ruixiang. Boundary Data of the Australasia Eco-region[J/DB/OL]. Digital Journal of Global Change Data Repository, 2015.
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AAERBND_2.kmz |
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AAERBND_3.kmz |
28011.79KB |
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AAERBND_4.kmz |
29396.26KB |
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AAERBND_5.kmz |
30332.56KB |