Dataset of Photosynthetically Active Radiation (5 km and Daily) 2013 in China-ASEAN
ZHANG Hailong1XIN Xiaozhou2LI Li2YU Shanshan2ZHONG Bo2LIU Qinhuo2
1 State Key Laboratory of Remote Sensing Science Institute of Remote Sensing and Digital Earth Chinese Academy of Sciences2 State Key Laboratory of Remote Sensing Science Institute of Remote Sensing and Digital Earth Chinese Academy of Sciences
Published:Nov. 2015
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Key Words:
China,Association of Southeast Asian Nations(ASEAN),Photosynthetically Active Radiation (PAR),2013
Photosynthetically Active Radiation (PAR) is an important parameter which affects plant growth. The PAR data products in China-ASEAN with 5 km spatial resolution were developed based on the images from MTSAT2 and MODIS. The products were generated according to the following procedure: (1) the cloud detection procedure was performed to distinguish clear and cloudy sky for each pixel. CDFS (Cloud Depiction and Forecast System) model was used in this study to detect cloud which consists of 3 steps: 1) temporal differencing, 2) dynamic thresholding, and 3) spectral discrimination. Each step employs a different temporal, spatial, or spectral cloud signature and is therefore sensitive to different types of cloud. (2) Cloud optical thickness (COT) was inversed for cloudy condition while aerosol optical depth (AOD) and total precipitation water were inversed for clear sky. The look-up tables (LUT) for PAR and atmospheric conditions under clear sky and cloudy sky were generated separately based on the atmospheric radiative transfer model. (3) Daily averaged PAR was evaluated with 96 observing stations from China Meteorological Administration. As the conversion coefficient with 0.47 from solar radiation to PAR largely depending on seasons, plant types and phonology was used in the study. The temporal resolution of the PAR in China-ASEAN is daily averaged from Jan 1st to Dec 31th of 2013. ( in which 8 days data were missed). The scale factor of the product is 0.1 and the unit is W/m2. Preliminary data validation was made, the higher correlation can be found in East China, Central China, Northeast China and North China with R2 of 0.86, while a lower correlation can be found in southwest mountainous area of China and the Tibetan Plateau with R2 of about 0.75.Browse
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Data Citation:
ZHANG Hailong, XIN Xiaozhou, LI Li, YU Shanshan, ZHONG Bo, LIU Qinhuo. Dataset of Photosynthetically Active Radiation (5 km and Daily) 2013 in China-ASEAN[J/DB/OL]. Digital Journal of Global Change Data Repository, 2015.
Zhang, H. L, Xin, X. Z., Li, L., et al. Photosynthetically Active Radiation (PAR) dataset at 5 km spatial resolution over China-ASEAN (2013) [J]. Journal of Global Change Data & Discovery, 2017, 1(1): 40-44. DOI: 10.3974/geodb.2017.01.06.
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