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Dataset of Spatiotemporal Evolution and Mechanism about High-Quality Development Convergence Clubs of 13 Urban Agglomerations of China

ZHANG Weili1
1 College of Resource and Environments,Henan University of Economics and Law,Zhengzhou 450046,China


Published:Feb. 2024

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Key Words:

urban agglomerations,high-quality development,club convergence,formation mechanism


The author took 174 cities in 13 urban agglomerations of China as the research objects, and constructed a high-quality development indicator system of cities from six aspects: economic development, social security, social equity, achievement sharing, environment quality and spatial connection. The traditional Markov chain and spatial Markov chain were used to analyze the spatiotemporal evolution of convergence clubs, and further examine its formation mechanism. Then the dataset of spatiotemporal evolution and mechanisms about high-quality development convergence clubs of cities within urban agglomerations was obtained. The dataset includes the following data: (1) time series changes of urban high-quality development index in urban agglomerations; (2) time series changes of high-quality development index among urban agglomerations at different development stages; (3) urban high-quality development convergence clubs in urban agglomerations; (4) the distribution changes of Kernel density function for high quality development index under different situations; (5) QAP correlation analysis on the difference matrix of influencing factors for urban high-quality development in urban agglomerations; (6) test results of influencing factors for urban high-quality development convergence club in urban agglomerations. The dataset is archived in .xlsx format, and consists of one file with data size of 286 KB. The analysis paper based on the dataset was published in Acta Geographica Sinica, Vol. 78, No. 12, 2023.

Foundation Item:

National Natural Science Foundation of China (41771124); The Education Department Henan Province (2024-YYZD-02)

Data Citation:

ZHANG Weili. Dataset of Spatiotemporal Evolution and Mechanism about High-Quality Development Convergence Clubs of 13 Urban Agglomerations of China[J/DB/OL]. Digital Journal of Global Change Data Repository, 2024.


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Data Product:

ID Data Name Data Size Operation
1 HighQualityDevelopConvergClubs.xlsx 289.15KB