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Data Details

Debris Flows and the Land Use Background Dataset in Longxi River Basin (2011)

CHEN Li1ZOU Qiang1WANG Qing1GUO Yalin1
1 School of Environment and Resource,Southwest University of Science and Technology,Mianyang 621010,Sichuan,China


Published:Oct. 2016

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Key Words:

debris flow,land use,remote sensing images,LongXi River Basin,2011


The Longxi River Basin is located in Northwest of Dujiangyan city and one of the braces of Min River. The Longxi River Basin is the most debris flow acting regions of the world. Based on the Google Earth and Guick Bird images, as well as the field surveying, the boundary of Longxi River Basin was developed, then 50 places of the debris flow with the land use background in 2011 were mapped and calculated. The dataset is composed of boundary data of LongXi River Basin, the debris flows and their land use background dataset. The dataset is archived in .xlsx,.tif,.shp,.kmz data formats with the compressed data size of 177KB.

Foundation Item:

Ministry of Science and Technology of China (2015BAC05B05-01); National Natural Science Foundation of China (41071115); Sichuan Province (2013SZ0101)

Data Citation:

CHEN Li, ZOU Qiang, WANG Qing, GUO Yalin. Debris Flows and the Land Use Background Dataset in Longxi River Basin (2011)[J/DB/OL]. Digital Journal of Global Change Data Repository, 2016.

Data Product:

ID Data Name Data Size Operation
1 DebrisFlowLongxiBasin_2011.rar 130.47KB
2 DebrisFlow_LongXiBasin.kmz 3.25KB
3 LongXiRiverBasinBND.kmz 43.74KB