Donglihe Reservoir, Winter Fish-catching Place in Panshi, Jilin Province
GUO Xiaoyi1HUANG Fujun2FU Jingying3QIAO Yunbo4SHI Ruixiang3LIU Chuang3
1 School of Geographical Sciences,Northeast Normal University,Changchun 130024,China2 People's Government of Yantongshan Town,Panshi City,Jilin Province,Panshi 132302,China3 Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100101,China4 Agriculture and Rural Bureau of Panshi City,Jilin Province,Panshi 132300,China
Published:Dec. 2021
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Key Words:
Donglihe Reservoir,Winter Fish-catching,Panshi,China,data encyclopedia
Donglihe Reservoir is one of the winter fish-catching places in Panshi City, Jilin Province of China. It is located on the western slope of Changbai Mountain and adjacent to the Yinma River, a tributary of the Songhua River. It is administrated by Donglihe Village, Yantongshan Town, Panshi City, Jilin Province. It lies between 43°23′16″N and 43°23′30″N, 126°4′28″E and 126°4′51″E. In summer of 2020, the area of the reservoir is 146,846 m2 and its perimeter is 1657 m. It is classified to be the small 2 in the Reservoir Classification System. The main water is from precipitation, snow melt water and the Yinma River. The annual precipitation in the region is about 600 mm, and the annual average temperature is 5.2 ℃. The lowest temperature appears in January, with an average of -19 ℃. The reservoir was built in 1956, with a storage capacity of 4.4x105 m3. The average water depth is 2 m, and the maximum depth is 4 m. The bottom of the reservoir is silt with a thickness of 100 cm. The main function of the reservoir is to irrigate and nourish the downstream rice fields and the second is to breed the fish. The main fish species supported in the reservoir are Cyprinus carpio, Hypophthalmichthys molitrix, Hypophthalmichthys nobilis and Ctenopharyngodon idellus. The benthic organisms are mainly mussels and snails. The water quality is better than Water quality standard for fisheries(GB11607-89), according to the testing data in 2021. The contents of arsenic, chromium, lead, zinc are all zero, cadmium is 0.0002%, copper is 0.0013%, nickel is 0.0005%, mercury is 0.00004%, and the pH value is 7.2. The suitable period for Winter Fish-catching is from December 20th to January 20th. The dataset is developed based on Google Earth image. It is archived in .shp and .kmz data formats, and consists of 17 data files with data size of 37 KB (Compressed into two data files with 10.7 KB).
Foundation Item:
Data Citation:
GUO Xiaoyi, HUANG Fujun, FU Jingying, QIAO Yunbo, SHI Ruixiang, LIU Chuang. Donglihe Reservoir, Winter Fish-catching Place in Panshi, Jilin Province[J/DB/OL]. Digital Journal of Global Change Data Repository, 2021.
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