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Culture and Tourism Integration Evaluation Dataset and Influencing Paths of the 16 Traditional Villages in Beijing from 2020 to 2022

TANG Chengcai1,2LIU Yaru1,2WAN Ziwei3LIANG Wenqi1,2
1 School of Tourism Sciences,Beijing International Studies University,Beijing 100024,China2 Research Center of Beijing Tourism Development,Beijing 100024,China3 School of Tourism Management,Guilin Tourism University,Guilin 541006,China


Published:Mar. 2023

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Key Words:

traditional villages,integration of culture and tourism,rural vitalization,Beijing


The Culture and Tourism Integration Evaluation Dataset and Influencing Paths of the 16 Traditional Villages in Beijing from 2020 to 2022 was developed using analytic hierarchy process, weighted TOPSIS model and fs/QCA analysis methods in the 16 typical traditional villages in Beijing. The dataset includes the following data: (1) geolocation of 16 case villages; (2) the weight of the evaluation index in the integration level of culture and tourism of traditional villages; (3) the evaluation and classification results of the integration level of culture and tourism of 16 villages; (4) the consistency and coverage of individual factors of the integration of culture and tourism of traditional villages; (5) the influencing paths of the integration of culture and tourism of traditional villages. The dataset was archived in .shp and .xlsx formats, and consists of 9 files with data size of 50.6 KB (Compressed into one file with 22.7 KB). The discovery article based on the dataset will be coordinated to be published at Acta Geographica Sinica, Vol. 78, No. 4, 2023.

Foundation Item:

Data Citation:

TANG Chengcai, LIU Yaru, WAN Ziwei, LIANG Wenqi. Culture and Tourism Integration Evaluation Dataset and Influencing Paths of the 16 Traditional Villages in Beijing from 2020 to 2022[J/DB/OL]. Digital Journal of Global Change Data Repository, 2023.

Data Product:

ID Data Name Data Size Operation
1 Eva&Infpath_16Villages.rar 22.73KB