Dataset of A New Land Use Classification System of China (2008), Ecological-Populated Residential-Industrial Land Use Classification
ZHANG Hongqi1XU Erqi1ZHU Huiyi1
1 Institute of Geographical Sciences and Natural Resources Research
Published:Mar. 2016
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Key Words:
Ecological land,Residential land,Industrial land,China
Based on the major function of land uses, the Ecological-Populated Residential-Industrial Land Use Classification System emphasizes the principles of ballancing the ecological and economic land uses in China. The 1km resolution dataset of the ecological-populated residential-industrial land use classification system in 2008 includes two-level land use types, the first level consists of four categories,the ecological land, ecological-industrial land, industrial-ecological land, and populated residential-industrial land. These four types reflect the main and secondary functions of the land uses. The land use types in the second classification level is the refinement of that of the first level, which characterize the provision of specific services from the lands. 16 land use types are identified. They are: ecological conservation land,riparian protection land, soil conservation land, water conservation land, flood regulation land, wind-breaking and sand-fixing land, biodiversity conservation land, regular regulation land, fish farming land, pasture, orchard, timber land, arable land, urban land, rural populated residential land, Industrial and marcketing activity land. The data is archived in grid format in 75.50MB. The analysis paper of these data has been published at the Jornal of Resources Science, Issue.10, Vol. 37, 2015.Browse
Foundation Item:
Data Citation:
ZHANG Hongqi, XU Erqi, ZHU Huiyi. Dataset of A New Land Use Classification System of China (2008), Ecological-Populated Residential-Industrial Land Use Classification[J/DB/OL]. Digital Journal of Global Change Data Repository, 2016.
Zhang, H. Q., Xu, E.Q., Zhu, H. Y. A new land use classification system dataset based on the ecological-
populated residential-industrial uses of China (2008) [J]. Journal of Global Change Data & Discovery,
2017, 1(4):419–425. DOI: 10.3974/geodp.2017.04.06.
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