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Land Cover for Carbon Budget in Shanxi Province of China, 2010

WANG Zhengxing1WANG Yaqin1ZHANG Hongmao2
1 1.Institute of Geographical Sciences and Natural Resources Research,State Key Lab of Resources and Environmental Information System,Beijing 1001012 2.Northwest Forestry Survey and Design Institute,State Forestry Administration of China,XiAn 710048



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Key Words:

land cover,classification system,carbon budget,Shanxi Province,2010


Land Cover for Carbon Budget in Shanxi Province of China(2010)was originally developed for carbon assessment. This dataset was developed using 30m Landsat TM/ETM and HJ-CCD and in-situ reference data in Shanxi. The object oriented e-Cognition tools was used for initial classification. It adopted a two-level classification system, with 6 classes in level one (Forest, Grassland, Wetland, Cropland, Artificial surface, Other land), and 24 classes in level two (Deciduous broadleaf forest, Evergreen needleleaf forest, Deciduous needleleaf forest, Mixed forest, Deciduous broadleaf shrublands,Orchard_tree; Meadow, Grassland_Dry, Grassland_Moist, Grassland_Urban; Wetland_grass, Lake, Reservoir/Ponds, River, Canal/ Water channel; Cropland_Rainfed; Residence, Industrial, Transportation, Stope; Sparse tree, Sparse grassland, Bare rock, Bare soil). The validation was organized by Environmental Protection Department of Shanxi province. 2196 samples (more than 20 samples for each county) were validated through field visit. The validation showed that classification accuracy was better than 90% in Level One, and above 85% in Level Two. The statistics show that Cropland is the largest class in Level One, it covers 58338km2 and takes account of 37.21% in Shanxi. The dataset is archived in .shp format with the compressed data size of 175MB.

Foundation Item:

Ministry of Science and Technology of China (2015DFA11360, 2016YFA0600201); Chinese Academy of Sciences (TSYJS04)

Data Citation:

WANG Zhengxing, WANG Yaqin, ZHANG Hongmao. Land Cover for Carbon Budget in Shanxi Province of China, 2010[J/DB/OL]. Digital Journal of Global Change Data Repository, 2016.

Data Product:

ID Data Name Data Size Operation
1 CarbonBudgetLandCover_Shanxi_2010.rar 179347.44KB