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Dataset of 4000 Years Paleofire Reconstruction in Lubei Plain

ZHENG Shuxin1TAN Zhihai*1,2MAO Longjiang3WANG Xuemei1MIAO Jihong1LEI Qiujing1YANG Liu1
1 School of Environmental and Chemical Engineering,Xi’an Polytechnic University,Xi’an 710600,China2 State Key Laboratory of Loess and Quaternary Geology,Institute of Earth Environment,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Xi’an 710061,China3 School of Marine Science,Nanjing University of Information Science & Technology,Nanjing 210044,China


Published:Mar. 2024

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Key Words:

Wildfire,Human activities,black carbon,Lubei Plain


The dataset of 4000 years paleofire reconstruction in Lubei Plain was developed based on in situ survey and experiment, integrated with the related references and Principal Component Analysis (PCA). The dataset includes the following data at Changxu profile: (1) the geolocation of the profile; (2) age, depth and sedimentation rate; (3) magnetic susceptibility with low frequency; (4) loss on ignition; (5) concentrations of char、soot、black carbon; (6) geochemical elements; (7) multiple climate indicators; (8) PCA data. The dataset is archived in .xlsx and .shp formats, and consists of 8 files with data size of 74.3 KB (Compressed into one file with 69 KB). The analysis paper was published in the Journal of Arid Land Resources and Environment, Vol. 37, No. 11, 2023.

Foundation Item:

National Natural Science Foundation of China (42373085); State Key Laboratory of Loess and Quaternary Geology, Institute of Earth Environment, Chinese Academy of Sciences (SKLLQG22023); Chinese Academy of Sciences (XDB40000000); Shaanxi Provincial Department of Science and Technology (2023-JC-YB-226)

Data Citation:

ZHENG Shuxin, TAN Zhihai*, MAO Longjiang, WANG Xuemei, MIAO Jihong, LEI Qiujing, YANG Liu. Dataset of 4000 Years Paleofire Reconstruction in Lubei Plain[J/DB/OL]. Digital Journal of Global Change Data Repository, 2024.


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Data Product:

ID Data Name Data Size Operation
1 Paleofire&HumanActivities_CX.rar 69.06KB