In Situ Sample for Hydraulic Fracturing and Laboratory Analysis Dataset in Xishui County,Guizhou Province of China
HUANG Tianming1
1 Institute of Geology and Geophysics,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100029,China
Published:Sep. 2020
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Key Words:
shale gas,hydraulic fracturing,geochemical process,water-rock interactions,isotopes,Xishui County,Geophysical Research Letters
Fracturing water and flow back water samples were obtained in a shallow vertical shale well (28°15′50″N, 106°6′2″E; well depth of 704 m) drilled into the marine shale in Xishui County of Guizhou Province of China in 2019. In parallel, laboratory water-rock interactions experiments with water/rock ratio of 2:1 at the reservoir temperature of 28℃ were conducted to verify data trends observed in the field data. Physical parameters and chemical and isotopic compositions of water samples from field and laboratory were analyzed to obtain the In Situ Sample for Hydraulic Fracturing and Laboratory Analysis Dataset in Xishui County of Guizhou Province of China. The dataset includes: (1)Geo-location of the sample; (2) the physical parameters and chemical and isotopic compositions of fracturing water (FRW) and flow back water (FBW) (Tab.1); (3) water rock interaction experiments between deionizer water and shale with water/rock ratio of 2:1 (Tab.2); (4) water rock interaction experiments between fracturing water (FRW) and shale with water/rock ratio of 2:1 (Tab.3); (5) the nitrate adsorption/desorption experiment (Tab.4). The dataset is archived in .xlsx, .kmz, and .shp data format, and consists of 8 data files with data size of 31.3KB (compressed to 28.7 KB in one file).
Foundation Item:
National Natural Science Foundation of China (41877207); Chinese Academy of Sciences(XDB10030603)
Data Citation:
HUANG Tianming. In Situ Sample for Hydraulic Fracturing and Laboratory Analysis Dataset in Xishui County,Guizhou Province of China[J/DB/OL]. Digital Journal of Global Change Data Repository, 2020.
Related Publication:
Huang, T., Li, Z.,Mayer, B.,Nightgale, M., Li, G., et al. Identification of geochemical processes during hydraulic fracturing of a shale gas reservoir: A controlled field and laboratory water-rock interaction experiment. Geophysical Research Letters, 47, e2020GL090420.
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