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Data Details

Luotuo Lake

PEI Guangting1ZHANG Xuebing2
1 Institute of Geography and Oceanography,Nanning Normal University,Nanning 530001,China2 Department of Geographic Sciences,Northeast Normal University,Changchun 130024,China


Published:Sep. 2020

Visitors:9129       Data Files Downloaded:68      
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Key Words:

Luotuo Lake,saltwater Lake,Ali Region,Tibetan Plateau,China,data encyclopedia


Luotuo Lake, which looks like a camel, is located in the Ritu County in Ali Region of Tibet Autonomous Region, China. It is a saltwater and inland terminal lake on the Tibetan Plateau in the Quaternary sedimentary basin on the northeastern side of the Karakoram Mountains. Its geo-location is between 34°24'9"N and 34°28"43" N, 81°52"10"E and 82°0"40" E. It is formed by fault subsidence of orogenic structure. The lake is 13 km long, 8.45 km wide, and its area is 66.60 km² with a lake shoreline of 52.52 km. The elevation of the water surface in the lake is 5106 m. The lake area is characterized by the Kunlun alpine semi-desert and desert arid climate, with an average annual temperature of -5℃ and an annual precipitation of 75 mm. The lake water is mainly from the Qingche Lake and the snow meltwater of the southern snow mountain, in which snow cover area is about 25 km². The dominant vegetation in the lake area is Ceratoides compacta. The dataset is developed based on the Google Earth images (2013). The dataset is consisted of 15 data files, and archived in .kmz and .shp data formats with data size of 398 KB (Compressed to two files with 165 KB).

Foundation Item:

Data Citation:

PEI Guangting, ZHANG Xuebing. Luotuo Lake[J/DB/OL]. Digital Journal of Global Change Data Repository, 2020.

Data Product:

ID Data Name Data Size Operation
1 LuotuoLake.kmz 56.88KB
2 LuotuoLakeshp.rar 108.81KB