Maize phenology and climate change dataset in Henan Province, China (1981-2009)
LIU Yujie1
1 Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100101,China
Published:Dec. 2018
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Key Words:
climate change,maize,phenology,trend analysis,sensitivity,Journal of Geographical Sciences
Based on the maize phenology data and meteorological observation data from 6 sites of Henan province during 1981-2009, the spatio-temporal variation of maize phenology and its sensitivity to the change of key climatic factors were quantitatively analyzed by climatic trend rate and sensitivity analysis. The stations are Lu Shi (LS, 111.02°E, 34°N, 568.8 m), Nan Yang(NY, 112.58°E, 33.17°N, 129.2 m), Ru Zhou(RZ, 112.83°E, 34.18°N, 212.9 m), Shang Qiu(SQ, 115.67°E, 34.45°N, 50.1 m), Xin Xiang(XX, 113.82°E, 35.17°N, 79 m), Zheng Zhou(ZZ, 113.67°E, 34.82°N, 80.8 m). The dataset covering each of the six counties of Henan Province, China, including: (1) Maize growing season length and climate data; (2) Climate change tendency rates; (3) The trends of the changes of maize phenology; (4) Key climate data (mean temperature, precipitation, sunshine duration and Growing Degree Days) during the maize growing season (1981–2009); (5) Maize phenological phase data; (6) Sensitivity of maize growing season length to climate factors (1981–2009). The dataset is archived in .xlsx data format with data size of 29.3 KB. The analysis paper based on the dataset was published at Journal of Geographical Sciences, Vol. 27, No. 9, 2017.
Foundation Item:
National Natural Science Foundation of China (41671037, 41301091); Ministry of Science and Technology of P. R. China (2016YFA0602402); Chinese Academy of Sciences (2016049)
Data Citation:
LIU Yujie. Maize phenology and climate change dataset in Henan Province, China (1981-2009)[J/DB/OL]. Digital Journal of Global Change Data Repository, 2018.
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MaizePhenologyHenan_1981-2009.xlsx |
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