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Data Details

South Nilandhu Atoll

LIU Chuang1SHI Ruixiang1YANG Aqiang2
1 Institute of Geographical Sciences and Natural Resources Research,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100101,China2 Institute of Remote Sensing and Digital Earth,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing100101,China


Published:Oct. 2016

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Key Words:

Maldives,South Nilandhu Atoll,Dhaalu Atoll,Kudahuvadhoo Island,data encyclopedia


The South Nilandhu Atoll, also called the Dhaalu Atoll, is located from2。40′2″N - 3。0′28″N, 72。50′4″E - 73。1′41″E, the midwest part of the Maldives, its neighbor in north is the North Nilandhu Atoll, the Kolhumadulu Atoll in south and Mulaku Atoll in east. 56 islands are included in the South Nilandhu Atoll, including Kudahuvadhoo, Enboodhoofushi, Olhuveli, Maafushi, Maaenboodhoo, Kedhigandu, Issari, Hiriyanfushi, Vaanee, Kadimma, Thilabolhufushi, Naibukaloabodufushi, Thinhuraa, Kiraidhoo, Dhebaidhoo, Gemendhoo, Bulhalafushi, Kanneiyfaru, Hulhudheli, Mandali, Vonmuli, Dhoores, Rinbudhoo, Aluvifushi, Bandidhoo, Maagau, Lhohi, Faandhoo, Udhdhoo, Velavaroo, Meedhoo, Meedhuffushi, Hudhufusheefinolhu, Gadifuri, Bodufushi, Valla, Vallalhohi and Minimasgali Islands. The biggest island in the South Nilandhu Atoll is the Kudahuvadhoo Island with the area of 0.72 km2. The total area of the islands in the South Nilandhu Atoll is 4.47km2, the total coastlines of the islands is 64.64km long. The dataset was developed based on integration among the Google Earth images and related maps and records. The data is archived in .kmz and .shp data format with the compressed data size of 179KB.

Foundation Item:

Chinese Academy of Sciences(Y22Q0203TD)

Data Citation:

LIU Chuang, SHI Ruixiang, YANG Aqiang. South Nilandhu Atoll[J/DB/OL]. Digital Journal of Global Change Data Repository, 2016.

Data Product:

ID Data Name Data Size Operation
1 SouthNilandhuAtoll.kmz 64.26KB
2 SouthNilandhuAtollshp.rar 115.02KB