Sundarbans Wetland in 2015 (Bangladesh)
ZHANG Haiying1NIU Zhenguo1LIU Chuang2SHI Ruixiang2
1 Institute of Remote Sensing and Digital Earth,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 10010,China2 Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 10010,China
Published:Jun. 2015
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Key Words:
Bangladesh,Sundarbans Wetland,Boundary,data encyclopedia
Sundarbans Wetland of International Importance, the largest contiguous mangrove forest in the world, was listed at the RAMSA Wetlands of International Importance records in 1992, recording as RAMSAR Site No. 560, which geoloacation is 22°N,89°31′E. The Sundarbans Wetland is located in southwestern coast of Bangladesh, bordering the Bay of Bengal and confluence of the Ganges, Brahmaputra and Meghna Rivers. The total area recorded at the RAMSA lists is 6017km². The Sundarbans Wetland hosts about 300 species of flora and 425 species of fauna, number of them are listed the IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources) Red Book as the endangered rare species. The areas and spatial distributions of the Sundarbans Wetland are changed and influenced by the sea level, rivers and climate changes. The data of Sundarbans Wetland in 2015 is integrated with MODIS and Google Earth imageries, the total area of the Sundarbans Wetland in 2015 is 4835km², the data is archived in both .kmz and .shp formats.
Foundation Item:
Data Citation:
ZHANG Haiying, NIU Zhenguo, LIU Chuang, SHI Ruixiang. Sundarbans Wetland in 2015 (Bangladesh)[J/DB/OL]. Digital Journal of Global Change Data Repository, 2015.
Zhang, H. Y., Niu, Z. G., Liu, C., et al. Sundarbans Wetland boundary data (Bangladesh) [J]. Journal of Global Change Data & Discovery, 2017, 1(3): 368. DOI: 10.3974/geodp.2017.03.18.
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