GIES Case 7 Video on Summer Angling and Winter Fishing in Panshi Qiantang (Thousands Reservoirs), Jilin Province of China
LIU Chuang1GUO Xiaoyi2LIU Yanhui3LIU Tiegang3QI Wu4WANG Zhengwen5QIAO Yunbo5WU Feng6CHEN Cunhua5FU Jingying1ZHU Xiaoguang7
1 Institute of Geographical Sciences and Natural Resources Research,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100010,China2 Key Laboratory of Geographical Processes and Ecological Security of Changbai Mountains,Ministry of Education,School of Geographical Sciences,Northeast Normal University,Changchun 130024,China3 Jilin Academy of Fishery Sciences,Changchun 130033,China4 Panshi City People's Government,Panshi 132300,China5 Panshi City Agriculture and Rural Affairs Bureau,Panshi 132300,China6 Panshi Supply and Marketing Investment Group Co.,Ltd.,Panshi 132300,China7 Beijing Tian Hang Hua Chuang Technology Co.,Ltd.,Beijing 100085,China
Published:Sep. 2022
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Key Words:
Panshi City,qiantang fish,summer angling and winter fishing,GIES,video,Case 7
The Panshi Summer Angling and Winter Fishing Case in Qiantang (Thousands Reservoirs) was listed on the Geographical Indications Environment & Sustainability (GIES Case No.7), which is part of Innovation China program. By open science technology, the video shows the characteristics of aquatic ecosystem and fishery resources in Panshi City, Jilin Province of China. In Panshi City, there are a total of 2410 reservoir and ponds, the area of each of them is larger than 248 m². The Panshi city is located in the transitional zone from the volcanic landform of Changbai Mountain to the Songnen Plain, which belongs to a hilly and semi-mountainous area. It is a continental monsoon climate with rain and hot occurring in the same period. The summer is suitable for leisure fishing. Winter fishing on the freezing of water bodies has a custom in Panshi. There are 35 reservoirs and ponds developed for summer angling and winter fishing. The heavy metal content and other indicators of water quality test all met the national surface water class I standards, and the water quality is better than the national fishery and aquaculture water quality standards. There are Aristichthysnobilis, Cyprinuscarpio, Hypophthalmichthys molitrix, Carassiusauratus, Megalobramaamblycephala, Erythroculterilishaeformis, Siniperca chuatsi, and Hemibarbus maculatus. According to the testing of samples, the quality of fishes from Panshi Qiantang is better than that from general reservoirs and ponds. Twelve monitoring stations were set in Panshi City, which can record more than 10 parameters, including air quality, temperature, precipitation, water quality, etc. The products from the case area can be retrieved by Quick Response Code (QR Code), as well as DOI registration identifier. The video is archived in .mov and .mp4 formats, it takes 4:56 minutes.
Foundation Item:
Ministry of Science and Technology of P. R. China (2021YFE0117400)
Data Citation:
LIU Chuang, GUO Xiaoyi, LIU Yanhui, LIU Tiegang, QI Wu, WANG Zhengwen, QIAO Yunbo, WU Feng, CHEN Cunhua, FU Jingying, ZHU Xiaoguang. GIES Case 7 Video on Summer Angling and Winter Fishing in Panshi Qiantang (Thousands Reservoirs), Jilin Province of China[J/DB/OL]. Digital Journal of Global Change Data Repository, 2022.
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