1 km/5 day Surface Reflectance Product over China and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations for 2013
ZHONG Bo1WU Shanlong1LIU Qinhuo1SHAN Xiaojun1YANG Aixia1PENG Jingjing1
1 The State Key Laboratory of Remote Sensing Science,Institute of Remote Sensing and Digital Earth,Chinese Academy of Sciences
Published:July 2015
Visitors:22257 Data Files Downloaded:9535
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Key Words:
China,Association of Southeast Asian Nations(ASEAN),surface reflectance,data normalization,5-day product,1km,2013
Surface reflectance is an important flux of earth surface for the study of ecosystem and environment changes. Based on the data integration of Terra/MODIS, Aqua/MODIS, FY3A/MERS, FY3B/MERSI and MOD09 data product of 500m/8 day from NASA as well as a series of models of Data normalization, cross radiometric calibration, radiometric normalization, geometric correction and atmospheric correction, the 1 km/5 day Surface Reflectance Product over China and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations for 2013 (MuSyQ-REF-1km-2013) was developed. The Aerosol Optical Depth (AOD) verification as an indirect verification method was carried out for the data validation. The results showed that the correlation between the AOD product and that in-situ data from Beijing and Xianghe stations of China is 0.79 and 0.81 separately. The product is archived in 40 adjacent non-overlapping Sinusoidal tiles that are approximately 10°X10° (at the equator), and four bands in each files, including blue, green, red and near infrared bands of surface reflectance. The data format is *.tif which is compressed into 80 .zip files totaling 19.33 GB of the data size.Browse
Foundation Item:
Data Citation:
ZHONG Bo, WU Shanlong, LIU Qinhuo, SHAN Xiaojun, YANG Aixia, PENG Jingjing. 1 km/5 day Surface Reflectance Product over China and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations for 2013[J/DB/OL]. Digital Journal of Global Change Data Repository, 2015. https://doi.org/10.3974/geodb.2015.02.02.V1.
Zhong, B., Wu, S. L., Liu, Q. H., et al. 1 km/5 day surface reflectance data product over China-ASEAN (2013) [J]. Journal of Global Change Data & Discovery, 2017, 1(3): 290-298. DOI: 10.3974/geodp.2017.03.06.
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