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Boundary Data of the Weihe River Basin, China

HUANG Yuefei1LI Tiejian1LV Enze1LI Jiaye1BAI Rui1LIU Chuang2SHI Ruixiang2
1 State key laboratory of hydroscience and engineering,Tsinghua University,Beijing 100084,China2 Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100101,China


Published:Jun. 2016

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Key Words:

weihe river basin,boundary data,data encyclopedia


The Weihe River is the biggest branch of the Yellow River of China. The Weihe River Basin covers the area of Shanxi, Gansu provinces and Ningxia Autonomous region partly. The boundary of the basin is from the Mt. Niaoshu (2609m) in the west, and go to the southeast to the Mt. Maji (1658m), Mt. Qinling (3767m), Mt. Zhongnan (2604m), Mt. Hua (2160m), and to meet the Yellow river near the Tongguan town. In northeast, the boundary from the Mt. Niashu (2609m) to the Longzhong Plateau, then Mt. Huajialing (2450m), Mt. Liupan (2928m), to Mt. Baiyushan (1823m), and then follows the Mt. Huanglong to meet the Yellow River. The geolocation of the basin is from 103°58′18″E in the west, 110°16′28″E in the east, and 33°41′47″N in the south, 37°24′30″in the north. The total area of the basin is 134,731.12 km²,the boundary of the basin is 2768.24 km long. The most historical heritages, such as the Xi’an city, one of the oldest capitals of China are located at the basin. The boundary data of the Weihe river basin was developed based on the ASTER-DEM with the statistic models and validated by the google earth images. The data is archived in both .kmz and .shp formats with the compressed data size of 8.47 MB.

Foundation Item:

National natural science foundation(51579131); Project of Chinese Academy of Sciences(Y22Q0203TD)

Data Citation:

HUANG Yuefei, LI Tiejian, LV Enze, LI Jiaye, BAI Rui, LIU Chuang, SHI Ruixiang. Boundary Data of the Weihe River Basin, China[J/DB/OL]. Digital Journal of Global Change Data Repository, 2016.

Data Product:

ID Data Name Data Size Operation
1 WeiheRiverBasin.kmz 3246.84KB
2 WeiheRiverBasinshp.rar 5433.94KB