Family Property Division Contract Dataset Archived by Luoyang Indenture Documents Museum (1408-1949)
LI Zhenzhong1
1 Luoyang Folk Museum,Luoyang 471000,China
Published:Jul. 2021
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Key Words:
Family property division contract,history and culture,Ming and Qing Dynasties,the Republic of China,1408-1949
The Family Property Division Contract Dataset Archived by Luoyang Indenture Documents Museum (1408-1949) collected 98 digital products of the family property division contracts from 1408 to 1949 archived by Luoyang Indenture Documents Museum, spanning 541 years from Ming and Qing Dynasties to the Republic of China, in which, 3 from Ming Dynasty, 61 from Qing Dynasty, and 34 from the Republic of China. The dataset includes: (1) photos of 98 family property division contracts; (2) statistics of each family property division contracts, including the number, name, archived code, dynasty, material, size, complete condition and picture. The dataset is archived in .jpg and .xls data formats, consists of 99 data files with data size of 386 MB (compressed into one single file with 382 MB).Browse
Foundation Item:
Data Citation:
LI Zhenzhong. Family Property Division Contract Dataset Archived by Luoyang Indenture Documents Museum (1408-1949)[J/DB/OL]. Digital Journal of Global Change Data Repository, 2021.
LI Zhenzhong. An analysis of family property division dataset archived in Luoyang Indenture Documents Museum (1408-1949) [J]. Journal of Global Change Data & Discovery, 2021, 5(4): 479-489.
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0 | Datapaper_FamilyPropertyDivisionContracts.pdf | 321.00kb | DownLoad |
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