Land Slope Cluster and Aspect Dataset of Nepal
JIANG Zhaocai1SHI Ruixiang1LIU Chuang*1
1 Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100101,China
Published:Oct. 2024
Visitors:1052 Data Files Downloaded:4
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Key Words:
Nepal,terrain,land slope,aspect
The land slope cluster and aspect dataset of Nepal was developed using cluster models in slope degree and slope percentage with the ASTER GDEM V003 data covering Nepal area. The data indicates that the area of land where slope was higher than 15° accounts for 67.51% of the total area; the area of land where slope was higher than 10% accounts for 83.81%. The dataset is archived in .tif format, and consists of 18 data files with data size of 2.50 GB (Compressed into one file with 174 MB).
Foundation Item:
Ministry of Science and Technology of P. R. China (2021YFE0117300)
Data Citation:
JIANG Zhaocai, SHI Ruixiang, LIU Chuang*. Land Slope Cluster and Aspect Dataset of Nepal[J/DB/OL]. Digital Journal of Global Change Data Repository, 2024.
     [1] NASA/METI/AIST/Japan Spacesystems, U.S./Japan ASTER Science Team. ASTER Global Digital Elevation Model V003 [DS/OL]. NASA EOSDIS Land Processes Distributed Active Archive Center. 2019.
     [2] Liu, C., Shi, R. X., Lv, T. T., et al. Land Slope Cluster Dataset of the Eco-region of the Roof of the World[J/DB/OL]. Digital Journal of Global Change Data Repository, 2014.
Data Product:
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Nepal_SLC _ASP.rar |
178869.92KB |