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Data Details

Sardegna (Sardinien) Island

SHI Ruixiang1LIU Chuang1
1 Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100101,China


Published:Jul. 2020

Visitors:6434       Data Files Downloaded:56      
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Key Words:

Sardegna Island,Sardinien Island,the Mediterranean Sea,Italy,data encyclopedia


Sardegna Island, also called Sardinien Island, is located between the Apennine Peninsula and North Africa in the Mediterranean Sea. It is the second largest Island in Italy and its area is less than the area of Sicily Island (25,439.42 km²).The Sardegna Island is separated 12 km from the Corsica Island in its north, and separated 191 km from the mainland of the Africa in its south, and separated 286 km from the Sicily Island in its southeast. The Sardegna Island belongs to Sardinia in Italy and the capital Cagliari is in the southern of the Island. The geo-location of the Sardegna Island is between 38°51′50″N and 41°15′33″N, 8°7′50″E and 9°49′43″E. The shape of the island is approximately rectangular with 267 km long from north to south and 145 km wide from east to west. The area of the Sardegna Island is 23,767.95 km² under the Albers projection, and the coastline is 1,912.23 km long under the Lambert projection. The dataset was developed based on the Global Multiple Scale Shorelines Dataset Based on Google Earth Images (2015), and maps and references related to Italy. The dataset is consisted of 26 data files and archived in .kmz and .shp data formats with the data size of 8.63 MB (Compressed to 5.92 MB in three data files).

Foundation Item:

Chinese Academy of Sciences (XDA19090110)

Data Citation:

SHI Ruixiang, LIU Chuang. Sardegna (Sardinien) Island[J/DB/OL]. Digital Journal of Global Change Data Repository, 2020.

Data Product:

ID Data Name Data Size Operation
1 Cagliari.kmz 0.79KB
2 SardegnaIsland.kmz 2390.00KB
3 SardegnaIslandshp.rar 3675.72KB