In Situ Vegetation Dataset in Qinghai Lake Basin (2021-2022)
CHEN Yarong1,2,3SUN Jianqing4LI Xingyue1,2,3CHEN Kelong*1,2,3
1 School of Geographical Sciences,Qinghai Normal University,Xining 810008,Qinghai,China2 Key Laboratory of Natural Geography and Environmental Processes,Qinghai Province,Xining 810008,Qinghai,China3 Qinghai Lake Wetland Ecosystem National Positioning Observation Station,Haibei 812200,Qinghai,China4 Qinghai Lake National Nature Reserve Administration,Xining 810008,Qinghai,China
Published:Jun. 2023
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Key Words:
Qinghai Lake Basin,Tibetan Plateau,vegetation monitoring,2021,2022
Qinghai Lake Basin is an important natural geographical area in the northeastern part of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and the ecological security pattern in Qinghai Province. In August 2021 and August 2022, the authors conducted vegetation survey on 29 sample sites in the Basin. The dataset includes: (1) the geographical location and overview of vegetation surveying sites; (2) the vegetation type structure of temperate grassland, temperate desert grassland, alpine grassland, temperate desert, mountain meadow, lowland meadow and alpine meadow; (3) statistics on the number of plant families, genera and species; (4) vegetation biomass statistics of Qinghai Lake Nature Reserve and Przewalski's antelope activity area; (5) annual vegetation structure and biomass. The dataset is archived in .shp and .xlsx data formats, and consists of 8 data files with data size of 124 KB (Compressed into one file with 102 KB).Browse
Foundation Item:
Science and Technology Department of Qinghai Province (2022-QY-204); Ministry of Science and Technology of P. R. China (2019QZKK0405)
Data Citation:
CHEN Yarong, SUN Jianqing, LI Xingyue, CHEN Kelong*. In Situ Vegetation Dataset in Qinghai Lake Basin (2021-2022)[J/DB/OL]. Digital Journal of Global Change Data Repository, 2023.
CHEN Yarong, SUN Jianqing, LI Xingyue, et al. In situ vegetation dataset in Qinghai Lake basin (2021-2022) [J]. Journal of Global Change Data & Discovery, 2023, 7(2): 180-184.
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