Spatial Distribution Dataset of Buildings in Haibei, Qinghai of China (2020)
MA Mingfu1LIU Fenggui*1,2ZHOU Qiang1,2CHEN Qiong1,2GAO Yuan1MA Xiaoyan3
1 College of Geographic Sciences,Qinghai Normal University,Xining 810008,China2 Institute of Plateau Science and Sustainable Development,Xining 810008,China3 Hualong Qunke New Area Middle School,Haidong 810900,China
Published:Nov. 2022
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Key Words:
Qinghai Province,Haibei,building,spatial distribution,2020
Haibei Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture (Haibei Prefecture for short) is located in the northeastern of Qinghai Province, China. It is one of the regions with frequent earthquakes in Qinghai Province. In the earthquakes, the buildings are the most of the potential disaster bodies. Based on the land use data from ESA in 10 m pixels and the Alibaba Cloud's AI Earth platform high-resolution images in July 2020, the authors developed the building data in Haibei Prefecture. The dataset is archived in .shp data format, and consists of 8 data files with data size of 9.18 MB (Compressed into one single file with 3.55 MB).Browse
Foundation Item:
Ministry of Science and Technology of P. R. China (2019QZKK0906)
Data Citation:
MA Mingfu, LIU Fenggui*, ZHOU Qiang, CHEN Qiong, GAO Yuan, MA Xiaoyan. Spatial Distribution Dataset of Buildings in Haibei, Qinghai of China (2020)[J/DB/OL]. Digital Journal of Global Change Data Repository, 2022.
MA Mingfu, LIU Fenggui, ZHOU Qiang, et al. Development of spatial distribution dataset of buildings in Haibei prefecture, Qinghai province (2020) [J]. Journal of Global Change Data & Discovery, 2022, 6(4): 638–644.
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