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Data Details

Karuola Glacier Dataset

LABA zhuoma1QIU yubao2CHU duo1
1 Tibet Institute of Plateau Atmospheric and Environmental Science Research,Lhasa 8500012 Key Laboratory of Digital Earth Science,Institute of Remote Sensing and Digital Earth,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100094


Published:Oct. 2016

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Key Words:

Karuola glacier,Tibet,climate change,1972-2016,Data of Encyclopedia


Karuola glacier is located in Gyangze and Nanggarze county of Tibet Autonomous Region, 28。56′50.95 ″N -28。54′23.30″N, 90。11′42.21″E -90。09 ′26.23″E. Because it is along the public road, it becomes the important tourist attracting place in Tibet. The Karuola glacier, source of the Niangchu river and the continental glacier in characteristics, is 5042m above sea level in average, its upper part is a slow slope ice cap, two showed lower hanging glaciers form glacier, East one is 3 km long, 750m wide and the high at end of glacier is 5233m, and the west one is 4.5 km long, 1.5 km wide, 5145 m at the end of the glacier. There are traces of glaciers clear cliffs. The Karuola glacier dataset from 1972-2016 was developed based on the data integration from the Glacier Inventory Data (Cold and Arid Regions Environmental and Engineering Research Institute China), LANDSAT data, Google Earth remote sensing images and the field investigation. The data result indicates that Karuola glacier area is 9.43km2 in 1972 and 9.25km2 in 2016. The glacier area is reduced 0.18km2 over the past 40 years. The glacier changes are not even in different periods. Before 2005,the glacier area is decreased each year, and after 2005, the glacier area is increased slightly, increased 0.12km2 during 2005-2016; The spatial variations of glacier area show that glacier snout and glacier tongue at south part are mainly change region. The main changes happened in the southern end of the glacier during the 1972-1999 periods. The most obvious of glacier retreat position happend at southwest slope (tongue area) and the southeast of the glacier during the 1972-2010. However, the slope (tongue area) and the end of the southwest part of the glacier were increased during the 1972-2016 period. The other places of the glacier did not change significantly. The dataset includes Karuola glacier data of 23 years from 1972 to 2016, which is archived in. shp and .kmz format. The compressed data size is 148KB.

Foundation Item:

National Natural Science Foundation of China (41371351; 41561017)

Data Citation:

LABA zhuoma, QIU yubao, CHU duo. Karuola Glacier Dataset[J/DB/OL]. Digital Journal of Global Change Data Repository, 2016.

Data Product:

ID Data Name Data Size Operation
1 KaruolaGlacier19721018.kmz 5.11KB
2 KaruolaGlacier20100411.kmz 24.53KB
3 KaruolaGlacier20160427.kmz 2.96KB
4 KaruolaGlaciershp.rar 115.77KB